Sunday, November 13, 2005

Busy day

I have been at church all day today almost.

I got 455 words done in the morning and past 30,000 ...

I was in church all day today there was a lovely service at 11, then I had a nice late breakfast around 1 pm, and the minister was officially "inducted" minister of the Allen Avenue UU church at 3 pm today.

I am so happy about how the church is going.

I am planning to go to choir practice on Thursday night. I really wanted to sing with the choir today. They had such wonderful musical selections. Including, "Down it the river to pray," a spiritual sung in "O Brother, Where Art Thou"

So I got another 600 words done after church, and am debating about going to a holiday party to Filene's.

I have to dress up and have already had quite a day.

Might have dressed up earlier if I knew.

Think its time to dress to the nines.

I am not even at home or dressed and its already 6:56 ..

Probably won't get there until 7:30.

At 31,000 words .. .

Peace y'all

edmund davis-quinn

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