Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tabloid Tim

Looks like Tim is a tabloid star.

This book is getting very interesting.

Have done almost 3,000 words today ...

I only have about 13,000 to go.

I didn't sub today but did have really good beers at the Great Lost Bear ...

I also put an application in for LL Bean at the CareerCenter in Portland.

Not making any money this month, but I have a novel dammit.

Also need to pay $125 in excise tax for Westbrook .. .my car is 20 years old!!! .. c'mon!!



b-dub said...

We bought our house in Auburn in May. Just in time for the first property tax re-evaluation in Auburn in fifteen years. Guess who's property tax just went up over $1,000 American greenbacks?

Yes, ah feel your payne.

Bonus points for Ellington, Brother Ray and Lady Day. You're allright, Mr. Quinn.

No Filter: The Book said...

well my parents are paying like $11,000 in property taxes near Princeton, NJ .. one of the reasons they are moving .... :))